How to File 990 as 1/24/2025

search....Form 990-N (e-Postcard) then scroll down to, New Form 990-N (e-post card) submission website now open, click and follow directions will ask for

Username: NCCAGbo451911 Password: 1006552023087636   (sixteen digits)  review box below for 2024 submission.


Urban Institute stopped doing the 990 electronic filing for IRS in 2016 directing users to web link:  you need to register for a user name and password to access 990n and 1023-EZ. You should click information in top right corner, then Charities and Non-Profit, then under "News" click 990-N | also use search box.  When this page come up, then Newest Link:

Open the electronic filing page at and enter the below information for Form 990-N (e-Postcard)

After you have read the information above and the User Guide, use this Form 990-N Electronic Filing System (e-Postcard)  link to the page to start the process.

Submitted to IRS… Electronic Notice-Form 990-N (e-Postcard)
Organization Address and Principal Officer Information:

Username: NCCAGbo451911 Password: 1006552023087636

Site phrase: Taxes are the life blood of a country.

Site image: Adjustable Wrench

1.       What city were you living at age 16? Porter

2.       What year was your Mother born?1917

3.       What was your 1st grade teacher’s name? Lumpskin

4.       What school were you attending at age 16? Norwood

5.       What was your HS mascot? Rebel

Organization Name: North Carolina Checker Association


Country: US- United States

Address: P.O. Box 39594 | Greensboro, NC 27438-9594  only accepted POB 39594

Principle Officer:  Person  | Person’s  Name:  John R Smith

Address: Country: US - United States | 3007 Robin Hood Drive | Greensboro, NC 27408


Your Form 990-N (e-Postcard) has been submitted to the IRS 2/18/24

  • EIN: 050542523
  • Tax Year: 2023
  • Tax Year Start Date: 01-01-2023
  • Tax Year End Date: 12-31-2023
  • Submission ID: 10065520240497436517                      
  • Filing Status Date: 02-18-2024
  • Filing Status: Accepted: 02-18-2024 form 990n e-Postcard accepted for 2014 thru 2021.htm

Smith also reported that our 2014 thru 2021 Federal Tax Return (990) was filed 1/31/2022.

Request Tournament Funds

Filed Form 990-N (e-Postcard) has been submitted to the IRS 1/31/2022    (IRS 2015-2021 accepted returns)

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